J's & G's
Annual Charity Golf Tournament
12/07/2024 - Stonecreek Golf Course​
We are an Arizona non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that holds an annual charity golf tournament in Phoenix, AZ where the proceeds are given to a local charity that focuses on health, wellness, healing and awareness. Each year we select a different organization to partner with that meets this criteria. Our group inspires togetherness, unity and helping those in need.

In December of 2012, we began this tradition as a foursome...two J’s and two G’s who celebrated the holidays via golf, small side bets and large bar tabs. A year later and over several cocktails, Lefkowitz and Snyder, the original J and G...or as we refer to them, the OJ and the OG, decided to give this sacred holiday event a name, one that would bear homage to the founders and solidify to our spouses a reason to come together every year. Seeing as we generally operate a little left of center (putting it lightly), we knew that the only name worth considering was Jews and Gentiles. Our intent was never to pin one religion against another but rather to come together and join forces to do good as one community. In 2018, we took our "not so small" golf outing to the next level and held our first charitable event! It was a huge success! It was then that we realized we had an obligation to continue our efforts and seek opportunities to give back. We are proud of this tournament as well as those who continue to show up & stand beside us in our mission to inspire togetherness, unity and help for those in need.